TX-#1 Rated Flooring Company in North America
We’re the #1 Rated Flooring Company in North America.. For REAL! The Highest NPS Score (87) in the whole $100 Billion flooring industry. Plus we use our MOBILE SHOWROOM to create a shop-at-home experience. Our competition is made up of boring retailers.
We’ve got 800 open territories!! Send over that territory check!
We pay REALLY WELL.. $50,000 placement fee.
Our franchisees validate EXTREMELY well.. Our top 50% of businesses average over $1.8m in sales. PLUS a generous bottom line of 15-20% EBITDA (this isn’t in our item 19).
Our FranDev team is accomplished and they’re closers! Over 100 years of franchising experience and we close 1-6 referrals!
Price: $193,000
Location: Clark County, Nevada
Industry: Service Related
Inventory Included: No
Reason For Sale: -
Training & Support: World Class Support and Training. We may have 800 territories available but we have over 230 operating franchisees. We have the formula to support your candidates to reach a $2,000,000 business and above. Financial Assistance Provided: Yes
Site Selection Assistance: Yes
Lease Negotiation Assistance: Yes
Recruiting Assistance: Yes
Co-Operative Advertising: Yes, we have over 23 marketing co-ops in the major cities.
Training: World Class two year training program and ongoing support. 6 Launch classes per year. Franchisees can be writing proposals around 45 days of signing their agreement.
Owner Qualifications: Who is out ideal candidate?
Our ideal franchisee has a penchant for leading teams of people! They love seeing their employees succeed, they love building a culture, and they love WINNING. It’s amazing to see that 40% of our owners are female AND love helping homeowners fall in love with their home again.